Spending Time

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I have been thinking about time lately. How it goes by so fast sometimes and then others it feels like it stops altogether. How am I spending my time? It is very American to refer to it as spending time. Like it cost you something.

The definition of spend:

  • Give (money) to pay for goods, services, or so as to benefit someone or something; or

  • Pass (time) in a specified way or in a particular place.

Spending Time

That is a human definition though. When I think about God and time my ideas change a bit. God is actually outside of time. There was a moment when time started and there will even be a moment when time does not exist anymore. Little mind blowing to think about that. And why it’s important for you to think about where you will be spending eternity.

Jesus stepped into time though. He came to earth and spent ~33 years with us. As I read about his life I see how he used time to accomplish God’s will. He was always present, in whatever he was doing. That guy was never in a hurry. For example, look at John 11, Lazarus dies and is buried before Jesus even gets there to help. Which was perfect timing by the way and God used this for his glory, to demonstrate his power over death. God’s timing is always perfect, even when I think differently.

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God’s perfect timing has me in Uganda right now, I’ve been here for 73 days. What I originally came to do did not happen because of the corona virus. So, I’m not entirely sure why He has me here. But I am spending my time trying to accomplish God’s will, trying to be present, not in a hurry, trying to glorify God in all I say and do. Hoping to discover why God sent me here before my return flight in 47 days. Or in God’s perfect timing, whichever comes first.